viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

PREMIOS GANADOS POR EMINEM EN LOS MTV MUSIC AWARDS 1999 * MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist: "My Name Is" 2000 * MTV Video Music Award for Best Video of the Year: "The Real Slim Shady" * MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video: "The Real Slim Shady" * MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video: "Forgot About Dre" (with Dr. Dre) 2002 * MTV Video Music Award for Best Video of the Year: "Without Me" * MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video: "Without Me" * MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video: "Without Me" * MTV Video Music Award for Best Direction: "Without Me" 2003 * MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a Film: "Lose Yourself" 2009 * MTV Video Music Award for Best Hip Hop Video: "We Made You" 2010 * MTV Video Music Award for Best Hip Hop Video: "Not Afraid" * MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video: "Not Afraid"

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